• Course
  • 13-19 years
  • Unity
  • International Certificate

Creating games based on Unity

In the first academic year, the children will learn to program and work with graphics.
9 months
18 projects
1 time per week
After training, the guys will be able to create their own
Computer games
Mobile applications
Make animation
Work with augmented and virtual reality
Course Program
1 block
Interface Basics
In the first block, the main tools of the Unity environment will be studied, which will allow you to master the basic skills of working with the interface and help create the first animated videos.
3 modules
12 lessons
1 проект
18 hours
2 block
Basics of programming
The second block includes the basics of programming, which will allow you to learn how to create basic development patterns, fix / find bugs, and much more.
2 modules
8 lessons
12 hours
3 blockl
Project activity
In this block, we will carefully study the tricky game mechanics, analyze their logic so that in the next block you can develop your game yourself.
3 modules
12 lessons
18 hours
4 block
Final Project
Creating your own game with uploading it to PlayMarket and Simmer.IO. The whole process will be as close as possible to real development.
1 module
4 lessons
6 hours
Already at a free trial lesson, the guys will create their first game "Space Flight Simulator"
How the training is conducted:
Interactive lessons that consist theory and practical tasks to keep the interest and involvement of children.
No more than 9 people are in one group, which allows the teacher to devote the right amount of time to each child.
During the lesson, the teacher simultaneously sees the screens of all students and can help in the early stages.
Student works
Unity is completely free and all you need to get started is a computer.
About the teacher
Founder of the social project for the development of VR/AR GameDev.
DGTU ‘18
Unity Course Methodologist
Unity developer in Advalange
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